The offspring has been sick this week. She’s demanding at the best of times, and when she’s sick she doesn’t let me out of arm’s reach, so very little has been done around Nerd HQ the last few days. One thing I can do while pinned down beneath a sleeping toddler is plan, so plan I have.
One of the biggest organizing challenges in the Nook is going to be my piles and piles of yarn. I love yarn, and I consider crochet to be my favorite hobby, so most of the stash isn’t going anywhere. The biggest problem I have is that I prefer to make small-scale projects. Amigurumi and doll clothes don’t take very much yarn and most of my stash is comprised of partially used skeins. They love to tangle into one another and I can’t count how many times I have dug into my stash only to find one huge knot. Priority number one is to store the yarns tangle-free, and anything else is a bonus!
With that in mind, I’ll be tackling the stash with a box of gallon-size zip top bags in hand. I’m a rainbow lover so I do wish I had a reason to organize my yarn by color, but instead I’ll be organizing by weight and texture. I’m not a fiber enthusiast so I don’t have any fancy materials. I believe they are all acrylic and cotton, but honestly I haven’t the slightest idea. Is that bad?
The baggies of yarn will go into four Basic Stack Baskets from The Container Store. I hope it’s enough! The nice thing about a system like this is that I can add on to it over time if I have to. I’m also very excited about the cute colors. I got two Kiwi Green and two Nova Blue, because I couldn’t pick. If they had more colors to choose from I might have gotten all four different.
I’m itching to get my yarn organization set up. My yarn stash has NEVER been organized, and it will feel like such a huge accomplishment if I can get it done!